It's Not About You: A Wingman's Guide to Happiness
/The physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of doing something good for someone else are well known. Whether you're creating happiness for a friend or offering much-needed help to a stranger who's less fortunate, the very act of helping is good for you. Research shows that the more people abandon a selfie-lifestyle to focus on helping others, the happier and healthier they will be. Millennials, in particular, look for opportunities to work with mission-driven brands and organizations. Tina's mantra, It's Not About You, stems from this knowledge and applies equally to romance and life. This worldview is reflected in her devotion to charities as a way for people to find happiness by working for the good of others. An important part of Wingman's mission is to support worthy charities, including Second Chance Rescue, a rescue organization where dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to find wonderful, homeless dogs and cats the Wingman for Life they deserve.